The Elements

Our Known Members. . .

We don't have a governing system yet.  We're good at checking with each other with major decisions, etc.  However currently, we're all equal.

I'm Cobalt.  I don't really know how old I am... so I stick with the body's age.  I believe I am without a gender.  I have a pretty good idea of what my body image should be.. And this isn't it.  I hate the breasts, I hate the 'feminine process', I hate the curves, the hips, etc etc.  I really hate my body.  Though.. It's our shell, for better or for worse so, whatever. 
Likes: Harry Potter, glow in the dark, disaster movies, the color blue (dotdotdot), 'coming of age' books, chocolate.  I'll add more later.
Dislikes:  Intolerant people, the dark, cigarettes, guns, money.

Refer to me as Xenon if you will.  To be bluntly honest, if you want to know something about me, just ask.  I haven't the slightest idea how to fill this space.
Likes: Action Films, Impressive explosions, Proving idiots wrong, Creative weaponry.
Dislikes:  Aforementioned Idiots.

I'm called Nickel.  It took me a while to decide on a name.  I wanted to come up with a name that fit with the system's theme, and something that fit me.   Nickel fits, cute and fun.  My age slides, sometimes as young as 8 or 10, othertimes as old as 14 or 16.  More stress leads the age to slide downwards.

Carbon isn't an individual per say.  Carbon is a "suit of armor" or a shield that any of the system members can equip during dire circumstances. 
The most noticeable effect is the individual becomes less emotional, much more logical, another affect is that the individual becomes very efficient.  The purpose is so what needs to get done gets done, the system members and body are preserved and life goes on. 
It can be quite difficult to near impossible to tell "who is inside" Carbon, all individuality is stripped away.  This effect is temporary and doesn't happen often at all.